Wednesday, March 12

Day: February 14, 2024

Is Dental Deep Cleaning Painful?

Is Dental Deep Cleaning Painful?

You must have read online that regular dental check-ups are necessary to ensure that your dental health remains in its best condition. However, one more important thing for your teeth is deep cleanings, which include scaling and root planing. These procedures, as the name implies, remove built-up plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth and under your gum line.  While deep dental cleanings are not painful, the procedure can be intimidating to some due to the use of sharp tools. The degree of discomfort and pain can vary from person to person. If, during your cleaning session, you experience excess pain, do not hesitate to talk to your dentist about it. They can help alleviate your pain and dental anxiety. Visit cosmetic dental services today.  Why is deep cleaning necessary? Dee...