Sunday, March 9

Day: December 16, 2021

Bunaken National Park, Amazing Underwater Nature in Manado

Bunaken National Park, Amazing Underwater Nature in Manado

So far, talking about the beauty of Indonesia's natural tourism is not something new anymore. Especially because of the advantageous location of Indonesia with all the charm of beauty it has. Not only land conditions such as mountains, waterfalls, park attractions, caves, relics of the colonial era, but also the undersea conditions that are anesthetizing. Not a few islands in Indonesia are still so well preserved and offer underwater beauty to be explored. One of the most popular types of tourism in Indonesia is marine tourism. This is due to the abundance of marine resources so they can be used as a tourist area. For example, Bunaken National Park is a marine park with unrivaled natural charm. It is located in the North Sulawesi region and is still very natural. The Underwater Encha...
Bunaken National Park, A Very Beautiful Underwater Enchantment

Bunaken National Park, A Very Beautiful Underwater Enchantment

Many say that Indonesia is a very rich country. Not only the resources, but nature is also rich in charm that cannot be denied. Many also say that if you want to know this country, you must know the underwater world is the identity of Indonesia. Indeed, this Mother Earth is rich in extraordinary marine potential. In fact, in Papua several species only exist in the Papuan oceans. One of the prides is the extraordinary beauty of the sea. Like Bunaken National Park, whose name has long been known as an underwater paradise. About Bunaken National Park Before the tourism world was active today, Indonesia had designated Bunaken as a protected National Park. For more or less 27 years, the beauty of the marine life of this area has been very well preserved, where approximately 58 types of...